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We have an offer for you.
Dear Bartley Green School
We'd love to present our highly-rated "How to revise efficiently for exams" assembly to your students + a bunch of learning resources for your students for free, forever.
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Our assembly covers all the revision techniques that the modern students needs to use to succeed.
This information has been collated over thousands of study and research hours by dozens of Cambridge & Aston Medical School students.

And we want to bring this to you guys for free. (yes, crazy value, I know)
Why you?
Your students are never directly taught how to revise effectively. How can they know if never taught what works?
We've spent thousands of hours revising & studying so we know what works.
As part of our philanthropy mission, we want to give our invaluable presentation away to select schools for free.
To get this secured for you guys, please fill out the form below and we'll be in touch in a few hours.
(Ps. we can only work with a few more schools for free, so be quick!)
Boost Exam Performance
Engagement &
Made by top-ranking medical students
What Educators Say
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