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95% educators have said that Syllabi has had a positive impact on their teaching life
Collaboration between our team of leading educators & subject specialists
Most loved features
All our resources are based on key modern learning principles such as active recall & bitesize learning.
Key concepts broken down into small, easy to teach bites.
Scientifically accurate content specific to the syllabus specification & always updated.
Bespoke & accurate diagrams made through collaboration between our teachers & designers.

Dramatically reduce teacher workload
Most loved features
Saves hundreds of hours yearly creating resources to teach students.
Peace of mind for teachers that their resources are up to date with the latest specification - Syllabi's library is always readily updated with changes.
Allows teacher's to plan their weeks teaching quickly and focus on engaging + helping students.
Boost student engagement
& understanding.
Most loved features
All our resources are based on principles such as active recall that have shown to boost engagement in the classroom.
Syllabi's resources divides key concepts & subtopics into smaller, easy to digest chunks for students that boosts understanding.
All of our resources are highly animated and contain diagrams that spark thought and rememberability.

of Learning
Most loved features
Syllabi's resources form a cohesive learning ecosystem
Consistency in teaching styles, principles & layout across all materials ensures students can easily adapt to new learning content.
Consistency across all resources helps to build confidence amongst students and reduces the cognitive load of constantly adapting to new teaching styles & layouts across a singular curriculum.
AI Impact
Most loved features
Plan your week's teaching in seconds
Navigate thousands of our resources with ease.
Ask the AI to recommend resources for a topic
Use the specification numbers (Eg. "Give me some ways to teach topic 5.1"
Boost teaching
Most loved features
Traditional teaching resources often lead to unused or outdated materials being discarded resulting in waste. Syllabi's constantly updated library negates this problem!
Syllabi's resources allow textbooks to begin to be phased out, contributing to a world of paperless & more sustainable learning.
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